
5/2023 CHC Participant Medical Assistance and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) renewal
Effective May 18, 2023, patients' renewal dates for both Medical Assistance and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will be available in Provider OnLine.

You can access these dates by clicking on the "Eligibility" view on the left navigation panel and entering the member's information in the search function. Dates will be available for both UPMC for You members and UPMC Community HealthChoices participants.

For UPMC for You-credentialed providers, we have also compiled a comprehensive list of your UPMC for You patients who have an upcoming Medicaid and/or SNAP renewal due date. This list is available to you through Provider OnLine under the Reports tab at the site level within the Clinical folder.

We encourage you to use this information to proactively educate your patients about their upcoming renewals to help them avoid a loss in coverage and benefits.

Below are instructions you can provide to your patients on how to complete their Medical Assistance and SNAP renewals on time.

Renewals: (Medicaid and SNAP)
  • COMPASS is the Department of Human Services’ (DHS) online tool to manage benefit information and apply for services. Recipients can complete their renewal by visiting to renew their benefits online.
  • Call the Consumer Service Center for Health Care Coverage at 1-866-550-4355 to renew benefits by phone.
  • Visit their local County Assistance Office (CAO) to renew benefits in person. Receive a renewal packet in the mail. It will explain how to renew Medicaid benefits. Patients should complete the renewal packet and mail it back to their CAO by the due date listed.

If your patients have questions about their renewal, they can call the Statewide Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930 or 215-560-7226 in Philadelphia. They can also call the Customer Service Center to ask questions about their benefits or report changes to their contact information, income, and more. The Customer Service Center cannot renew patients' benefits by phone.

Additional important information to share with patients about Continuous Coverage can be found on this flyer or by visiting