As a UPMC Health Plan member, you have access to Baby Steps: a maternity program that connects you with a health coach who can help you have a healthy experience before, during, and after your pregnancy.
The process is simple. You’ll talk to your Baby Steps health coach about your questions and concerns. Your coach will support you by providing answers, tips, and resources. They will also assess your needs and educate you on any potential risk factors you have.
How you interact
How frequently you communicate with your coach is up to you. You can chat over the phone for 10 minutes a week or meet in person for 30 minutes a month. We also offer virtual visits through UPMC AnywhereCare which would allow you to talk with your coach from the comfort of your home. Some parents-to-be like to check in before a doctor appointment to go over their questions. Others like to talk as questions come up. In other words, your coach is available to provide support whenever you need it.
Some examples of what you can talk about
- Prenatal vitamins
- Creating a birth plan
- Making healthy lifestyle changes, such as quitting tobacco, becoming physically active, and reducing stress
- Breastfeeding
- Baby basics like clothing, diapers, and crib safety
- Vaginal births versus C-sections (surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus)
- Premature birth and ways to reduce the chances of having one
- Transitioning back to work
- Managing chronic conditions, such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or asthma
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Birth control methods after you deliver
- Vaccinations for infants
- Signs and symptoms of postpartum depression
If you meet the program requirements, you may be able to receive an incentive. What you can get for completing the program depends on your coverage.
- UPMC Health Plan members with employee-sponsored insurance may receive wellness incentive credits through their employer for completing the program.
- UPMC for You members who complete the program are eligible to receive a baby gift at no cost.*
When you enroll, ask what you could receive for completing the program.
Meet the Maternity Health CoachesUPMC Health Plan maternity health coaches are here to help prepare you for a healthy pregnancy.
Meet our coaches
Frequently asked questions
Your Baby Steps health coach can add to your overall experience. They can discuss topics, questions, or concerns that you didn’t get to cover at your doctor appointment. Your coach will also work with and inform your provider if you give them permission to do so.
The maternity health coaching team consists of registered nurses and licensed social workers with years of hospital or practice experience. Many have certifications in obstetrics (the care and treatment of women from pregnancy to the postpartum period) and can talk with you about breastfeeding and more. All are passionate about bringing life into the world.
As a UPMC Health Plan member, you can talk with a Baby Steps health coach at no cost. You can speak with them as often as you’d like.
You can decide how often you connect with a coach. Baby Steps health coaches are here to support you and help meet your needs. You can schedule a weekly chat or call when you have topics you want to discuss. Our coaches are flexible and will work with your schedule.
Yes! You can meet virtually with your Baby Steps health coach using UPMC AnywhereCare. Contact the Baby Steps health coaching team for details.
Contact us
Contact us to learn more about the Baby Steps program and get in touch with a health coach. Coaches are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Phone: 1-866-778-6073 (TTY:711)
- Chat via the UPMC Health Plan member site: Sign in to the UPMC Health Plan member site | Register for the UPMC Health Plan member site
- Email: maternitycoaches@upmc.edu (Coaches will schedule a phone call based on your availability.)
*To qualify for a no-cost baby gift, members must participate in the Baby Steps program, initiate prenatal care before 13 weeks’ gestation, and comply with prenatal appointments and testing. Eligibility is determined by the Baby Steps health coach and is subject to change.