The following dependents are eligible for coverage on your policy
- Your spouse under a legally valid, exiting marriage. A spouse who is eligible for Medicare coverage may not be eligible for this coverage.
- Your domestic partner. Domestic partnership is defined as a relationship between two individuals of the opposite or same sex who have an exclusive mutual commitment, similar to a marriage, in which the individuals agree to be jointly responsible for each other's common welfare, living expenses and financial obligations.
- Disabled dependents.
- Your children under 26 years old, including newborn children, stepchildren, children legally placed for adoption, and children for whom coverage is mandated by a court order or for whom you have custody or guardianship as set forth in a court order or legally binding document.
Your dependent(s) must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present immigrant. To obtain coverage for a dependent, you may be required by the Health Plan to provide proof that the individual meets one of the above criteria. Coverage is contingent on the dependent meeting the eligibility criteria, UPMC Health Plan's acceptance of an application, and payment of premium.