Continuous Coverage
If a change in your current situation has left you without health care coverage, there are options for you.

Coverage for Individuals and Families
We’re here for you!
Life is full of big decisions. Choosing health insurance is one of them, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. When you choose UPMC Health Plan, we’ll be there for you through every step of the process. And no matter what your financial or health care situation is, we have a plan for you.
Being a UPMC Health Plan member will give you access to top-ranked doctors1 and hospitals, nationwide access to care through the Cigna Healthcare℠ PPO Network,2 and other benefits that can help you get or stay healthy.

UPMC for You has more than 500,000 members and is a recognized leader in quality and innovation.

UPMC Community HealthChoices
If you are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid or receive long-term services and supports, you must choose a Community HealthChoices managed care organization.

Coverage For Children
Every child deserves to have quality health care coverage. UPMC for Kids—a Pennsylvania Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) plan—provides that coverage.

Medicare Special Needs Plans
We offer quality Special Needs Plans (SNP) through UPMC for Life.
1 Go to upmchealthplan.com/best for award information.
2 Go to upmchp.us/networkaccess for network information.